Friday, November 5, 2010

Some New Motivation

     It's been 1 day short of a month since my last blog post. I'm embarrassed to say that along with forgetting about it, I haven't had much of anything to report. In all honestly I've been focusing on my other classes. I know my procrastination will probably bite me in the ass, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

     As of today I went the Walter P. Reuther Library at Wayne State University, and now I'm kicking myself in the ass because I should have gone sooner. These archives are amazing period. From one collection I found more information then I've could have ever imagined. Yesterday I was sitting in my dorm wondering if I would be able to finish the project, but now I just wish I had more time. Once I get everything I've gathered today in order more info will come. Blog you soon.

- Josh


  1. Hey! Don't worry about forgetting to blog and the procrastination thing. it happens to the best of us. I too am beginning to feel a time crunch. Good Luck with your research and hang in there!

  2. I have been doing really bad with the blog situation as well. I keep forgetting I get caught up in the reading and researching that I forget that we even have to blog for this class. I feel bad about it too so I wrote it on my mirror. Make sure to write on your blog, its 20% of your grade!!
